# Squid ACL : blockedsites # ACL type : dstdomain # ACL info : List of destination sites in Internet blocked for all users # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # How to add domains and sites to this file: # # 1. Use only the domain name EXCLUDING the protocol prefix, # i.e. don't put "http://" at the start. # # 2. Do not append a directory to the domain name, # i.e. don't put /index.php/path/blah.html at the end of the name. # # 3. Prefix each entry with a single dot ".", # this ensures a match of example.com and www.example.com. # # 4. If you need to match different top level domains like .com, # .net, .com.au for sites that have multiple top level domains to # the same website then add a seperate entry for each e.g. # .example.com # .example.com.au # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ### Block web-mining # .2giga.link .ad-miner.com .afminer.com .baiduccdn1.com .cloudcoins.co .coinblind.com .coinerra.com .coin-have.com .coinhive.com .coin-hive.com .coinlab.biz .coinnebula.com .cookiescript.info .cookiescriptcdn.pro .cryptobara.com .crypto-loot.com .cryptoloot.pro .goredirect.party .host.d-ns.ga .joyreactor.cc .jsccnn.com .jscdndel.com .jsecoin.com .kickass.cd .kissdoujin.com .kisshentai.net .kiwifarms.net .listat.biz .lmodr.biz .mataharirama.xyz .minecrunch.co .minemytraffic.com .minero.pw .monerominer.rocks .morningdigit.com .nahnoji.cz .now.sh .papoto.com .ppoi.org .pr0gramm.com .reactor.cc .reasedoper.pw .rocks.io .webmine.cz # #