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apple-mac-os:macos-monterey:automatic-deletion-of-old-files-daemon-as-task-scheduler-in-macos [24.03.2022 11:25] Виталий Якобapple-mac-os:macos-monterey:automatic-deletion-of-old-files-daemon-as-task-scheduler-in-macos [08.06.2023 09:55] Виталий Якоб
Строка 25: Строка 25:
  set {theResult, theValue, theError} to (theUrl's getResourceValue:(reference) forKey:(current application's NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey) |error|:(reference))  set {theResult, theValue, theError} to (theUrl's getResourceValue:(reference) forKey:(current application's NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey) |error|:(reference))
  -- compare the date  -- compare the date
- if theResult and (theValue's compare:oldDate) as integer = -1 then set end of mylist to (theUrl's |path|()) as text as POSIX file as alias+ if theResult and (theValue's compare:oldDate) = -1 then set end of mylist to theUrl as alias
  end repeat  end repeat
  if mylist is not {} then  if mylist is not {} then
  tell application "Finder" to delete mylist  tell application "Finder" to delete mylist
- display notification "Очистка каталога Downloads выполнена. + display notification "Очистка каталога Downloads выполнена." & return & "Удалено объектов:" & space & (count of mylist)
-Удалено объектов:" & space & (count of mylist)+
  end if  end if
 end deleteOlderItems</file> end deleteOlderItems</file>
Строка 97: Строка 96:
 ---- ----
 Проверено на следующих конфигурациях: Проверено на следующих конфигурациях:
-^ Версия ОС                                   ^+^ Версия ОС                    ^
 | Apple macOS Monterey (12.0)  | | Apple macOS Monterey (12.0)  |
 +| Apple macOS Ventura (13.0)   |
 ---- ----
apple-mac-os/macos-monterey/automatic-deletion-of-old-files-daemon-as-task-scheduler-in-macos.txt · Последнее изменение: 08.11.2023 20:38 — Виталий Якоб

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